Silicon Spectrum, Inc.

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Silicon Spectrum
Silicon Spectrum was founded in 2002 by Jim Macleod (former CTO and chief ASIC Architect of Number Nine) and Frank Bruno, a fellow Number Nine ASIC Architect and Engineer with the purpose of supporting ex-number Nine customers by providing affordable, high end graphics which maintain compatibility with existing Number Nine Products.

We are the only company licensed to use the existing Number Nine IP which has the original design team as founders and consultants.

We have over 25 years of experience in Computer Graphics and Networking.



Silicon Spectrum Acquires Number Nine IP and production Rights
Silicon Spectrum Announces that it has signed a multi-year deal with S3 Graphics to obtain the rights to use all of Number Nine's Intellectual Property as well as production rights to all of Number Nine's Proprietary Graphics Processors.

Silicon Spectrum Consulting Services

Silicon Spectrum wants to help your company be successful in these difficult business times.  


Silicon Spectrum provides Number Nine Imagine chips in FPGAs.