Silicon Spectrum, Inc.

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Silicon Spectrum Design Services offers its customers world-class ASIC/FPGA design expertise to help them meet the challenges of current semi-conductor technology. If your challenge is achieving fast and accurate implementation of an ASIC or FPGA design Silicon Spectrum can solve your problems.

Silicon Spectrum has extensive experience in design, simulation, and backend processes involved in the development of complex ASICs and FPGAs. Whether your design requires the implementation of a new digital IC or system-on-chip, or the re-design of an existing system or IC, Silicon Spectrum's IC design team can architect and deliver a solution.

Number Nine Imagine Customization
Are you a Number Nine Imagine customer ?

Do you have a huge investment in Imagine drivers?

Having problems getting #9 chips or outdated memory?

Silicon Spectrum can solve your problems with a customized Imagine PC. We can personalize one of the Imagine PC devices to fit your specific application. We can reduce your costs, eliminate procurement problems and increase your performance. All while maintaining software compatibility.



Silicon Spectrum Acquires Number Nine IP and production Rights
Silicon Spectrum Announces that it has signed a multi-year deal with S3 Graphics to obtain the rights to use all of Number Nine's Intellectual Property as well as production rights to all of Number Nine's Proprietary Graphics Processors.

Silicon Spectrum Consulting Services

Silicon Spectrum wants to help your company be successful in these difficult business times.  

Silicon Spectrum provides Number Nine Imagine chips in FPGAs